"Untangling Trauma"

What You Don't Know Could Heal You!

Learn what trauma truly is, how it shows up, and discover its hidden impacts with our quick and easy self-paced training course. We'll debunk common misconceptions, examine trauma look-alikes, and take empowering steps to kickstart your trauma recovery journey.

Untangling Trauma

What You Don't Know Could Heal You!

Learn what trauma truly is, how it shows up, and discover its hidden impacts with our quick and easy self-paced training course. We'll debunk common misconceptions, examine trauma look-alikes, and take empowering steps to kickstart your trauma recovery journey.

The Meaning of Trauma

"Reclaiming Me" Workbook mini course for women recovering from trauma

Do you know what trauma is? Or, do you just think you know? Many people assume they know about trauma and recovery, but fall short of truly understanding and being able to implement real solutions that offer sustainable trauma healing.

We cannot heal from what we do not understand. Having accurate knowledge and information about trauma and how it operates is a critical foundation piece in healing from trauma. Otherwise, it's difficult to stay the course and easy to perpetuate harmful patterns, attitudes, and beliefs that hinder the recovery journey.

There is a better way! By gaining solid insights into the nature of trauma, we gain the ability to chart our own course, take charge of our healing journey, and pave the way toward healing and hope.


Gain a clear understanding of trauma and debunk common misconceptions that can hinder your healing progress


Feel heard and seen as you explore the impact of trauma in your life, whether it's been overt or subtle


Take control of your healing journey by arming yourself with key knowledge about the complexities of trauma


Learn what your next right steps need to be in your trauma and recovery journey and know how to take them.

The Foundation of Trauma Healing

This course is all about painting an accurate picture of trauma, dispelling the myths and misconceptions about what trauma is, and shedding light on all the sneaky ways it can infiltrate our lives.

You'll be learning:

  • What real trauma is (and what is not!)
  • Ways to identify the various types of trauma and the lasting effects it can have on physical, mental, and emotional health
  • The far-reaching effects of trauma and how to recognize all the subtle and not-so-subtle ways it impacts relationships, behavior, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs
  • What the most critical, but very frequently missed first steps in the trauma recovery process are, and how to avoid common mistakes that can keep people spinning for years
  • How to determine where you are in the trauma healing process and find the right starting point to keep you moving forward in your journey

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

This is an entry level course for anyone who wants to learn more about trauma, the impact it has on our lives, and what we can do about it.

It is exceptionally well suited for:

  • Female trauma survivors who are just starting the process of healing from trauma
  • Those who have been in recovery from trauma for some time, but don't feel they're making significant progress
  • Individuals who are currently involved in stormy or abusive relationships at home, at work, or elsewhere
  • Women who frequently over-give or never believe they are good enough
  • Parents of children who are healing from childhood trauma or struggle with issues related to complex trauma
What is the format of this course?

This is an online self-study course you can work through at your own pace. It's all taught through videos, with concepts reinforced and applied to your unique situation with a downloadable workbook. There are no gatherings, meetings, or formal course sessions to attend.

How long is the course and what is the time comittment?

The course consists of 3 modules and 10 videos. None of the videos are very long, but they're packed with great information.

I've found that most people learn better when the content is presented in smaller chunks with a bit of time in between lessons to allow for the completion and processing of information. Most of my students also prefer it as it feels less overwhelming and more doable amidst all the other demands that life can throw at us.

As such, the lessons will be released every few days over the span of a couple of weeks. Yes, you'll receive a notification when new lessons are available. Once all the lessons have been released, you will have full access to the whole course along with any updates that may be made to it in the future for as long as the course is available to the public. That way you can come back and refer to the materials as it suits you.

Is there anything else I need to know?

This course is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical or mental health advice, nor is it to be used as a diagnostic tool. I am a trained and certified life coach with additional trauma-informed certificates. I am not a licensed medical or mental health professional.

Meet Your Instructor

Hey, I'm Diana. I'm a wife to one hubby, mom to three (now adult) special needs kids, and a trauma recovery coach for women seeking to repair the damage trauma caused in their lives and rebuild a happier and healthier future.

Two of my kids joined us via adoption and came to us with a mile-long trauma history that includes all kinds of things no human should ever experience. All three kiddos have learning challenges, and my daughter is also an amputee through no fault of her own. On top of that, we've been through all kinds of other drama that introduced us to the oh, so cunning world of narcissism and narcissistic abuse.

Unfortunately, we've been through it all. Physical trauma, emotional trauma, medical trauma, school trauma, religious trauma, work trauma, and we've dealt with more narcissists than we can count.

After many rounds of traditional therapy with many different providers as we tried desperately to find answers, but not really getting anywhere productive, I realized there were missing pieces in how trauma is understood, managed, and treated.

My mission is to take all I've done and learned and help other women climb out of chaos, restore hope, reclaim peace, kick the trauma monsters to the curb, and rebuild a life of healthy happiness for themselves and their families.

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